Click on an update below to read more.

We have been informed that some families are having trouble finding their specific gyms for games. Please make sure to check this link to find your venue and recommended parking:

Special notes:
Beckman High School (Rear) is at the back of Beckman High School off of El Camino Real.
Beacon Park, Cadence Park and Solis Park are at the school gyms.

The schedule for the Hoops Classic is officially live! Please double check the schedule as there were a couple of small changes made to the schedule:

We would like to give a special thank you to the Boys and Girls for donating the gym to help us run the 2025 Hoops Classic.

To assist in finding the gyms and the best places to park, please review the link above.

Home teams should wear the light color (grey) while Away teams should wear their dark color (black). The schedule reads as Away at Home.

Overview of the Hoops Classic:
Each team has a friendly game followed by single elimination bracket play. If your division has an odd number of teams you may have 2 friendly games. Please click on your team to identify all of your games.
Not all teams are playing Friday Saturday and/or Sunday.

Each team will need 1 representative from their team to run the table at each game. This would be to manage the clock and track the player participation, fouls and running score.

How to read your bracket: All game times can be seen on the bracket. Teams that win will advance to the next round while teams that lose are eliminated from the tournament. As we are at numerous sites, the winning team will need to look at the time and location of your next game. The printed schedules will not reflect these updates.

We look forward to seeing your schools take the courts this weekend.

We are excited to announce the tentative schedule for the Hoops Classic is now live!

Home teams should wear the light color (grey) while Away teams should wear their dark color (black). The schedule reads as Away at Home.

The schedule is tentative until Thursday March 13th at Noon. There are no schedule requests, this is to make adjustments if we get extra indoor gym time.

Please note that Boys 7th and Boys 8th may have a friendly game between the A division and B division. If you do not see your friendly game please check the B division or vice versa.

Overview of the Hoops Classic:
Each team has a friendly game followed by single elimination bracket play. If your division has an odd number of teams you may have 2 friendly games. Please click on your team to identify all of your games.
Not all teams are playing Friday Saturday and/or Sunday.

How to read your bracket: All game times can be seen on the bracket. Teams that win will advance to the next round while teams that lose are eliminated from the tournament.

We would like to give a special thank you to the Boys and Girls for donating the gym to help us run the 2025 Hoops Classic.

We look forward to seeing your schools take the courts this weekend.

With the Hoops Classic coming up this weekend we wanted to give you an update on the schedule. We anticipate releasing a tentative schedule on Tuesday, March 11th by 3:00p. The schedule will be finalized by Thursday at 12:00p. This is due to adjustments that are still being made to our permits.

We look forward to seeing everyone on the court this weekend!

At this point in time all submitted teams have been built. You can track all teams as well as issues on this page:

If you are not on one of these teams and are still on the placeholder team School Name – Hoops Classic you are currently not on a team. If you do not see your team on this list please contact your school coordinator or coach.

Team submission deadline was initially Wed Feb 12th. Any roster or team alterations will be considered until Sunday Feb 23rd at 11:59p. Rosters and Teams are final after this date in order to fulfill all jersey orders.

After this date all players not placed on a team will receive a full refund and be removed from the event by the end of next week.

Thank you for registering for the Hoops Classic! There are a few important updates we want to go over to make sure everyone is aware of the team building process and jerseys for this event.

Volunteers and Tryouts
OC Youth Sports does not control tryouts or roster selection. Each school is responsible for finding their own volunteers. You can see all coaches and coordinators from your school at the bottom of your TeamSnap School Name – Hoops Classic roster under the non-player section (bottom of the team). All teams are required to have a Coach in order to participate. If you would like to volunteer please fill out the form:

Jerseys (No T-Shirts)
Score Sports and SoCal Elite Sports are donating black and white reversible jerseys this year. This means that all teams have a jersey and will not have to deal with iron on numbers.

Team Submissions
Submissions were opened up today are close on Feb 14th at 11:59p.

Boys Divisions: 9 players minimum
Girls Divisions: 8 players minimum

All teams under the minimum player count will require approval by OC Youth Sports to participate.

Any teams under the minimum player requirement will automatically be moved into the B bracket (all A teams must meet the minimum player requirement). Schools are encouraged to submit all first teams as an A team. If your teams were uncompetitive in the previous year you may submit as a B team pending approval from OC Youth Sports. *Please note that a B bracket will only exist if there are at least 4 teams – otherwise they will play in the A bracket.*

Team building progress can be tracked on this page:
If any teams have issues (fewer players or players not registered) they will be updated on this page.

Overview of Team Building Process:
1. Teams are submitted by the Coordinator or Coach
2. Allow up to 5 days for OC Youth Sports to build your team. Players and coaches will be moved off of your School Name – Hoops Classic team to their Hoops Classic teams.
3. After all teams are built and rostered OC Youth Sports will send out an email to all players still on the School Name – Hoops Classic team with a 48 hour window to submit their teams. Any players still left after this date will be issued a full refund and removed from the event.

We are now coming up on the very last event of the 2024-25 Tournament of Champions, the Hoops Classic.

As a reminder schools are suggested to have their tryouts during the first week of February and team submissions are due by 11:59p on Feb 14th. All registered players are automatically placed on their School Name – Hoops Classic immediately after registration. Any players not on your school team are NOT registered.

If you have not had any communication from your school coordinator please login to your TeamSnap account and navigate to your team School Name – Hoops Classic. All volunteers can be found at the bottom of the team in the section Non-Players.

If you would like to volunteer please make sure to fill out this form:

Click on an update below to read more.

As a reminder please be mindful of positive sportsmanship. Ultimately this is a fundraiser tournament with many teams consisting of players that are new to the sport. Although all teams want to win, schools entered the tournament with different goals with many schools building teams to ensure that all players that signed up are able to participate. We hope that coaches, spectators and players are mindful of this and are courteous to their teammates and opponents. We have no issues with cheering your team on, but we ask that everyone involved refrain from any insults, aggressiveness, or yelling at players, parents, referees or staff.

Only coaches are allowed to talk to their players, the table or referees. If you have any issues please direct them to your team Coach.

As opening tip-off is today please be aware of the following:
1. Numbers are required on your T-Shirts (white for Home and non-white for Away). Away teams are listed first or top and should sit on the left side of the table and Home teams are listed 2nd or bottom and should sit on the right.

2. All teams are required to bring (1) game basketball per game.
3rd/4th Boys & Girls: 27.5″
5th/6th Boys & Girls: 28.5″
7th/8th Girls: 28.5″
7th/8th Boys: 29.5″

3. Parents ready to work the scoretable.
 Games are back to back and need to start on time. Please make sure the parents that are running the table are ready to go.
Table consists of 1 parent running the scoreboard and one parent filling out the official scoresheet (no individual stats are tracked).

Please cleanup after yourselves. Players should quickly grab their possessions (water, balls, bags) and move off the court after each game. Parents please take any trash out with you.

It is always our recommendation that teams arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled game time to get ready to play.

Friday marks the tipoff of the Hoops Classic! Unlike other events the Hoops Classic takes place at multiple locations. Please make sure to review the schedule to see when your friendly game(s) and bracket games take place. Bracket play is single elimination games with only the winners advancing.

Schedule and how to read it:
The Schedule reads Away (top) at Home (bottom). Home teams should wear the white OC Youth Sports T-Shirt while the Away teams wear the shirts decided on by the team (non white).

1. Select your division
2. Find or click on your team name to find all scheduled games.
3. Check your bracket – Brackets can be found at the bottom of the page before clicking on your team. Example looking at the Boys 3rd A the bracket is found closer to the bottom of the page. Under the brackets section simply click on the expand button to view.
4. Make sure to find your first game and always look at what time and location the winner will play

T-Shirts and Iron on Numbers
All teams should have picked up their team bundle by now. Included in each bundle is your team’s white OC Youth Sports T-Shirt as well as black and white iron on numbers. All players are required to have unique numbers on their Home and Away shirts/jerseys. For your friendly game(s) any players without their shirts/Iron on numbers will result in a Technical Foul (free throws). During bracket play players without numbers on their OC Youth Sports or Away Team Shirts will be ineligible to participate. Numbers are required in basketball to track player fouls and ensure that participation rules are met.

Scorer’s Table
Each team will need to provide 1 parent volunteer to run the table. One volunteer will be running the Clock, the other will be running the official scoresheet – which tracks participation, fouls, time outs, and overall running score. Individual stats are not tracked except fouls and participation.

If you have any issues during your games please communicate directly with your coach as they are the only one that should be communicating with the table or referees. Please do not directly approach the referees or table. Please be mindful of cleaning up after yourself and vacating the court when your game is over. We have games running back to back all day and would like to ensure games start as on time as possible.

Coaches must print the names of their players and their number on the scoresheet prior to tipoff. Additionally the winning coach should print their full team name (ex G3401 – Beacon Park – Alacar). This is to verify the score is correct and ensure that the correct team is updated on the schedule to make tracking the next game easier.

Tournament Rules:

Important Reminder – Sportsmanship and Mercy Overview
1. Tournament of Champions is a recreational tournament.
2. Mercy rule will go into effect if a team has a lead of 20 or more. If your team finds yourself in this situation we ask that you use the opportunity to play your players that may not see as much game time in the later rounds. In addition teams are required to slow the game down and back off from fast break.. Scores will be zeroed out at 30 points. Coaches that are encouraging their team to run the score during a mercy game will receive a Technical Foul. Repeated offense will result in being ejected from the game. Ejected players and coaches are unable to participate for the remainder of the tournament.
3. Adjusted Scores – When posting scores our staff will adjust the higher score down until the score difference is 25 points.

Venues and notes on Parking
Beacon Park School Gym:          200 Cultivate, Irvine, CA 92618
Beckman High School:               3588 Bryan Ave, Irvine, CA 92602
Boys and Girls Club of Irvine     295 E Yale Loop, Irvine, CA 92604
Cadence Park School Gym:       750 Benchmark, Irvine, CA 92618
Irvine High School:                     4321 Walnut Ave, Irvine, CA 92604
Northwood High School:            4515 Portola Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92620
Portola High School:                   1001 Cadence, Irvine, CA 92618
Solis Park                                     101 Abacus, Irvine, CA 92618
Uni High School:                          4771 Campus Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
Woodbridge High School:           2 Meadowbrook, Irvine, CA 92604

Beacon Park: Entrance to the school gym is off of Benchmark near the corner of Benchmark and Beacon.

Boys and Girls Club: The front entrance will remain locked. The entrance is located around the back next to the outdoor basketball court. There is additional parking next to the San Diego Creek Trail. Map can be seen here. Please make sure not to wander the halls or classrooms.

Cadence Park: Entrance to the school gym is off of Benchmark near the corner of Benchmark and Cadence.

Solis Park: Entrance to the school gym is at the front of the school. Best parking lot is off Abacus.

The schedule is now live! As a reminder there are no schedule or location requests. We are unable to move games to accommodate coaches with multiple teams as we have limited space. Coaches should be prepared to have a parent fill in in the event there is a conflict.

Special thanks to the Boys and Girls Club of Irvine. They were kind enough to donate gym time for the Hoops Classic, which is how we were able to fit all games in this weekend. For those interested in additional activities this Summer please review the Summer Enrichment Program at the Boys and Girls Club. Click here!

Schedule reads as Away (top) at Home (bottom). Home teams should wear white while Away teams wear their team away shirts.

Tournament Overview:

1 referee per court
Each team will need to provide 1 parent volunteer to run the table.

The schedule has two parts to it – scheduled play (friendly games) and bracket play.
Friendly Games: Friendly games are at the top of the schedule, occupying the list of games. To simplify what you are looking at simply click on your team name to filter out the other games.

Bracket Play: The bottom portion displays the brackets. If you are viewing on a mobile device make sure to click on the small black box to expand to a full screen. Brackets are single elimination games with winners advancing to the right. Please make sure to follow the bracket to know when your next game(s) may occur.

The following teams have 2 friendly games:
B301 – Santiago Hills – Yeung
B401 – Loma Ridge – Jin
B407 – Cypress Village – Stone
B501 – Portola Springs – Chang
B702 – Beacon Park – Yonemitsu
B803 – Beacon Park – Alsayad (B)
G3401 – Beacon Park – Alacar
G5601 – Beacon Park – Funaki
G7801 – Jeffrey Trail – Chang


What to bring on game day:
1. Athletic Attire (shorts, close-toed shoes)
2. Water – no colored drinks allowed inside the gyms (Gatorade, Powerade, etc)
3. T-shirts for Home and Away

Beacon Park School Gym: 200 Cultivate, Irvine, CA 92618
Beckman High School: 3588 Bryan Ave, Irvine, CA 92602
Boys and Girls Club of Irvine 295 E Yale Loop, Irvine, CA 92604
Cadence Park School Gym: 750 Benchmark, Irvine, CA 92618
Irvine High School: 4321 Walnut Ave, Irvine, CA 92604
Northwood High School: 4515 Portola Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92620
Portola High School: 1001 Cadence, Irvine, CA 92618
Solis Park 101 Abacus, Irvine, CA 92618
Uni High School: 4771 Campus Dr, Irvine, CA 92612
Woodbridge High School: 2 Meadowbrook, Irvine, CA 92604

Boys and Girls Club: The front entrance will remain locked. The entrance is located around the back next to the outdoor basketball court. There is additional parking next to the San Diego Creek Trail. Map can be seen here. Please make sure not to wander the halls or classrooms.

Solis Park: Entrance to the school gym is at the front of the school. Best parking lot is off Abacus. From this parking lot the gym is on the far left.

Irvine High School: With construction still taking place at the front of the school we recommend parking in the back off of Escolar. If parking is still difficult there is additional parking at Heritage Park.

Reminder that team submission and player registration closes on Feb 23rd at 11:59p. Only coaches and coordinators can submit teams.

Submitted teams can be viewed here (as well as any issues such as missing players):
Please provide up to 5 days for us to build your team as this is a manual process.

Once rosters are finalized and submitted by your coordinator or coach, OC Youth Sports will build and roster teams in TeamSnap and place them in their appropriate division. All teams must have a coach to be eligible.

If nobody has been communicating with you from your school, please check your TeamSnap account for your team. Each player is automatically placed on a school team after registering (e.g.: all players from Alderwood are on team Alderwood – Hoops Classic).

 At the bottom of each team is the non-player volunteers, which has the coordinators and coaches that have filled out the volunteer form on our website.

No Promoting/Solicitation: As a friendly reminder, there is zero tolerance for promoting or soliciting unless an approved vendor or sponsor of OC Youth Sports. If you would like to become approved, you must contact us. If an individual, group, or organization is found doing this without approval, they will not be invited back to participate in our tournaments indefinitely. 

By now all schools should have had or should be having tryouts this coming week. As a reminder, Teams must be submitted by 11:59pm Friday, Feb 23rd. As a reminder, once teams are submitted players will no longer be eligible for a refund if they back out. We strongly encourage each school to verify rosters before having your coordinator or coach submit teams. If these are a concern or issue, please reach out to us as soon as possible.

Player Registration closes on Feb 23rd.  Players are REQUIRED to be registered before participating in tryouts. If players are not registered by the 23rd they will be unable to participate.

Submitted teams can be viewed here:
Please provide up to 5 days for us to build your team and populate this page at this is a manuel process.

Once rosters are finalized and submitted by your coordinator or coach, OC Youth Sports will build and roster teams in TeamSnap and place them in their appropriate division. All teams must have a coach to be eligible.

If nobody has been communicating with you from your school, please check your TeamSnap account for your team. Each player is automatically placed on a school team after registering (e.g.: all players from Alderwood are on team Alderwood – Hoops Classic).

 At the bottom of each team is the non-player volunteers, which has the coordinators and coaches that have filled out the volunteer form on our website.

No Promoting/Solicitation: As a friendly reminder, there is zero tolerance for promoting or soliciting unless an approved vendor or sponsor of OC Youth Sports. If you would like to become approved, you must contact us. If an individual, group, or organization is found doing this without approval, they will not be invited back to participate in our tournaments indefinitely. 

We hope you are excited for the final event of the 2023-24 school year for the Tournament of Champions, the Hoops Classic! Please review our expected timeline for where each school should be below. Of note the Team Submission Deadline is Thurs, Feb 23rd. Team Submission have been opened for schools that are ready to submit teams. As teams are built you can track the progress of each team submission as well as issues including division, bracket, missing players, not enough players on our Team Page:

Building teams is a manual process so please allow 5 days after team submission for us to build your teams.


  • Mon, Feb. 23rd: Mandatory player tryouts registration closes
  • Mon, Feb. 12th – Fri, Feb. 16th: Recommended Player tryouts (times & locations TBD by each school)
  • Fri, Feb. 23rd: Team submission deadline
  • Mon, Feb. 26th: Practices start (after head coach submits official team roster)
  • Tues, March 12th: Tentative schedule released
  • Fri, March 15th – Sun, March 17th: Hoops Classic