Updated: 02/6/25 @ 11:00 AM
Latest Updates
Hoops Classic Timeline
- Feb. 3rd – Feb. 7th: Recommended Player tryouts (times & locations TBD by each school)
- Feb. 14th: Team submission deadline and player registration closes
- Feb. 17th: Practices start (after head coach submits official team roster)
- March 10th-12th: Tentative schedule released
- March 13th: Final schedule released
- March 14th – March 16th: Hoops Classic
Coordinator Duties
- Act as the conduit of contact between OC Youth Sports and the school’s teams.
- Be the primary means of generating enthusiasm among the students for the tournaments, in conjunction with school staff.
- Help recruit coaches for these school teams.
- Responsible for all communication to all families who have registered and for keeping school up-to-date on tryout/practice schedules and final rosters.
- Oversee each team at their school, along with each team’s coach, to make sure the team is registered on time, tryouts take place in a fair and timely manner, and the school’s t-shirts are picked up and distributed.
Please Note: Only coordinators and coaches who have registered will receive email communication and be able to register their team rosters.
Additional Information
1. Once you have received confirmation of registering as coordinator, communicate to your school (principal & admin) that you are the coordinator for Harvest Cup and identify your coaches.
2. Make sure your coaches are registered and have claimed their account via TeamSnap.
3. Work with your school on scheduling tryout dates and practice dates. Also coordinate school field and equipment use.
4. Encourage your school to send an email to 3rd–8th graders with the tryout and practice information, as well as a reminder to register, if interested.
5. You will receive information on how to gain access to your school’s information on TeamSnap to see how many students are registered and to begin email communication.
6. Once player registration closes, send an email to registered students about tryout information.
7. At tryouts, ensure all students are registered.
8. Work with coaches to compile rosters of students who made the teams. Communicate this information to the school to ensure all students are currently enrolled.
9. Instruct the head coach to notify players who made the team and let them know the practice schedule.
10. Ensure coaches register their final rosters by the deadline.
11. Distribute game schedule once it is posted.
12. Assist in picking up t-shirts from SoCal Elite Sports (or coordinate your coaches to pick them up).
- Tryouts Start: Week of February 13th, 2023
- Time: TBD by each school
- Location: IUSD/TUSD neighborhood schools
Please note, that neither SoCal Elite nor IPSF/TPSF can rent or allocate practice or tryout courts for Hoops Classic teams; please coordinate tryouts and practices on school fields, if possible.
1. Head coaches or Coordinators must submit their full roster here: Team Submission
Boys teams: Minimum players = 9; maximum players = 10.
Girls teams: Minimum players = 8; maximum players = 10.
Team practices start after head coach submits official team roster.
Please work directly with your school to borrow equipment for tryouts and practice as it is not provided.
- Each team is guaranteed two games.
- Water & snacks for players are required.
- No watches, jewelry, string bracelets, acrylic nails, headbands, hard casts, barrettes, earrings, etc., may be worn by players.
- The referee shall make the final decision on what may or may not be worn by players.
Sat, March 26th, 2022
Hoops Classic – Scores and Sportsmanship
Yesterday marked the 1st tipoff of the Hoops Classic! Most teams are starting their games today and we wanted to go over a couple points to ensure that players have the best experience possible over the course of the Tournament.
- Tournament of Champions is a recreational tournament.
- Good Sportsmanship and Mercy Rules – Mercy rule will go into effect if a team has a lead of 20 or more and remain in effect until the difference is 15 or less. If your team finds yourself in this situation we ask that you use the opportunity to play your players that may not see as much game time in the later rounds. In addition we ask that your team slow the game down and back off from fast breaks if possible. If the score is very one sided please consider backing off the defensive pressure and letting the opposing team get in some good touches and take some shots.
- Adjusted Scores – When posting scores our staff will adjust the higher score down until the score difference is 25 points.
Coaches please verify the winning team on the scoresheet before leaving your game – if your team wins print your team name next to your score. We want to ensure that the bracket displays correctly as scores are updated so teams and parents can follow where they are supposed to be for their next game.
If you see the wrong team advancing please have the coaches contact [email protected] as soon as possible so we can correct the score
Fri, March 25th, 2022
Hoops Classic – Opening Night and Rule Addendum
We have made a rule addendum and clarification. The participation rule is in effect until both teams have played their first round of bracket play. This means some teams may have 2 elimination games with participation rules.
Example: Boys 3rd Grade A Bracket
In this case B303 Turtle Rock and B306 Cadence park have a Bracket game before B312 – Hicks Canyon. In order to ensure that no teams have an advantage, participation rules will still be enforced until after the game with B312 – Hicks Canyon.
Referees have been asked to have a pre-game meeting with both coaches before every game to go over any points of concern or rule clarifications you might have. This is the perfect oppertunity to raise any issues you may have before tipoff. Ultimately it is up to each Coach to ensure that this meeting takes place.
Tues, March 22nd, 2022
Hoops Classic – Schedule Rough Draft
The first draft of the schedule is done: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/schedules/
Please look through the schedule and verify the following:
1. Each of your teams is on the schedule
2. Your friendly game and your 1st round of the Single Elimination Bracket play are not against the same team.
If you have any issues please let us know as soon as possible. We will be releasing the schedule to all participants Wednesday 3/23 at Noon. At that point we will no longer be able to adjust the schedule.
Fri, March 18th, 2022
Hoops Classic – T-Shirts and Schedule
Game T-shirt bundles have now been built. Please note that game T-Shirt pickup is by School only, we will not be distributing individual teams. Please make sure that one representative from your school will be picking up the bundle. Included is a roster and iron on numbers (White and Black) of 0-9. The black numbers are for the official Tournament of Champions T-shirt and the White numbers for each individual teams Away T-shirt.
Pickup Details:
Address: 12 Mauchly Ste P Irvine 92618
Hours: 10:00a – 3:00p
Days: Sunday March 20th and Tues-Fri
It is highly recommended to pick up on Sunday
Schedule Updates: We hope to have the schedule ready by Wednesday March 23rd. As a reminder there are no schedule requests.
Tournament Format: Each team will have 1 friendly game followed by single elimination bracket play. In divisions with an odd number of teams one team will have an extra friendly game. If you would like to volunteer for this extra game please email [email protected] with your team name.
Divisions with odd teams (one team will have an extra friendly game)
Boys 6th B
Boys 7th (only 1 division no A or B)
Boys 8th A
Boys 8th B
Tournament Rules: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/rules/
Sat, March 12th, 2022
Hoops Classic – Coordinator and Coaches Update
By now all teams have been built and fully rostered. You can find your team by logging in to TeamSnap. The code for the team is gender, grade, team number – School name – Coaches Last Name (B boys, G girls) – Bracket (A or B)
Ex: B601 – Beacon Park – Gosse – A or Boys 6th grade team in the A bracket
Please do not change the name of your teams
If you have any issues with your teams rosters please contact [email protected]
Please review our Team page for any potential issues for your teams: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/teams/
Teams flagged with 7 players need to find 1 more player to add to their team to compete in the B division, unless approved by OC Youth Sports.
**If your team is not on this list it needs to be submitted no later than Monday March 14th.**
Any players that are still on School Name – Registered are not currently on a team. As a reminder, players may still be added to a team. We will not be able to build any new teams after March 14th.
Players that are not placed on a team will receive a full refund after the event. We will go through each School Name – Registered team and issue a refund directly. We ask for your patience as our main priority is to focus on the event.
T-Shirts – We will reach out with an update regarding shirts closer to the event. Each team will receive an official white Tournament of Champions T-Shirt to be worn by the home team of each game.
Away teams are required to bring their own T-Shirts. We suggest using the school PE T-Shirt or school color as your team shirt. Each team may choose its own color if they would like but it must be the same for the entire team. You do not need to notify us of your color.
Home – White ToC Shirt
Away – Team’s Shirt color (not white)
In addition we will be supplying Iron on numbers for your Home and Away Shirts.
Schedule – Schedule details will come out closer to the event. There are no schedule requests. The structure of the tournament will be 1 friendly exhibition game followed by single elimination bracket play. For coaches with multiple teams we will try to ensure that games do not take place at the same time.
***Please note that for games each team will need to have 1 parent or volunteer for the table***
Thu, March 3rd, 2022
Hoops Classic – Team Submission and Rules
The Team Submission link and Hoops Classic rules can be found on the Coordinator Portal: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/coordinators/
Please make sure to submit your teams by March 8th. As a reminder, once teams are submitted players will no longer be eligible for a refund if they back out. We strongly encourage you to verify rosters before submission.
Once rosters are finalized, please have either the coach of each team or yourself submit the form. OC Youth Sports will build and roster teams in TeamSnap and place them in their appropriate division. All teams must have a coach to be eligible.
As teams are built they will be updated on the Teams page under the Hoops Classic Header: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/hoops-classic/teams/
You can find the team information including bracket placement as well as any issues with your team such as Not Registered players
If you have any issues, please email [email protected] and include the name of your school in the subject line (e.g. Coordinator – Bonita Canyon).
Tue, Jan. 11th, 2022
Team Submissions Form
We have added the Team Submission form to the Coordinator Portal.
Please make sure to submit your teams by Jan. 16th. As a reminder, once teams are submitted players will no longer be eligible for a refund if they back out. We strongly encourage you to verify rosters before submission.
Once rosters are finalized, please have either the coach of each team or yourself submit the form. From there OC Youth Sports will build and roster teams in TeamSnap and place them in their appropriate division. All teams must have a coach to be eligible.
If you have any issues, please email [email protected] and include the name of your school in the subject line (e.g. Coordinator – Bonita Canyon).
Tue, Jan. 4th, 2022
Coordinator Welcome Email
Thank you for volunteering to be the School Coordinator for the 2022 Tournament of Champions! We look forward to working with you to make this event as smooth as possible. If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to ask. The calendar of events for each event will be viewable on our website here: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/overview
For a summary of Coordinator duties and a step by step guide please refer to our coordinator page: https://ocyouthsports.org/tournament/winter-bowl/coordinators
Suggested steps are under the Additional Information box
Dates for each event are:
Winter Bowl: January 29th, 2022
Hoops Classic: March, exact date TBD
Volley Fest: April, exact date TBD
Harvest Cup: May, exact date TBD
If this is your first time coordinating the Tournament you will find some suggested steps to get started below.
Suggested Steps
- Identify coaches.
- Contact your school principal and coaches to set up a tryout time.
- Communicate with the P.E. teachers or relevant school staff to encourage them to announce the tryouts.
- Send a message to registered participants via email. — this should include an introduction that you are the school coordinator and that questions should be directed to you. In addition, this would be a great place to mention tryout times.
- Be present at tryouts and make sure that they are run fairly and every kid has an opportunity to participate. This is not a Club-only event. Remind kids that they must register through the website in order to participate in the event.
- Communicate to coaches the date & time for Team Shirt Pickup. Team shirt pickup will be at the SoCal Elite corporate office located at 12 Mauchly, Ste P, Irvine, CA 92618.
There have been a number of improvements that we feel will make the overall coordinator process easier this year.
Default Team: As players register for each event, they will be automatically rostered onto your school event registered team (Ex: Alderwood – Registered). Coordinators have been promoted to manager so they have access to more features such as exporting the roster. Please note that there is a delay between registration and appearing on the roster.
This also gives you access to several useful tabs:
Message Tab: We strongly encourage you to communicate through TeamSnap. This would be an ideal way to communicate information about tryouts or ask for coaching volunteers. If you would like to communicate on your own you can download the roster under the members page and export.
Schedule Tab: You can schedule team tryouts by gender/division in this tab. As an example you can add the Event for a 3rd grade boys tryout, 4th grade girls tryout, etc.
Invoices: No more dealing with money – it is now a part of the registration. Participants will be charged a $35 fee during initial registration.
Refund Policy: Participants can cancel their registration for a full refund if they contact OC Youth Sports at least 1 week before the team submission date. Players that are placed on a team are ineligible for a refund. In addition players that are not placed on a team will be refunded shortly after the conclusion of the event.
Waivers & Forms: The waivers and forms are now built into the registration. This means you will no longer need to submit hard-copy paperwork to us.
Team Formation: When teams are ready to be created, the Tournament’s management team (us) will build them. There will be a form on the website that coaches or coordinators can fill out to finalize each team.
Team Colors: This year we have made a change to school colors and shirts. Participants will now receive ONE white shirt. The white shirt will be worn by the home team and visitor teams should wear their PE or school color shirt.
Please note: neither SoCal Elite nor OC Youth Sports can rent or allocate practice or tryout fields for teams. Please coordinate tryouts or practices on school fields, if possible.
We look forward to your school’s participation this year, and we thank you for volunteering your time to help make this event so great! Please let us know if you have any other questions.